Tattoo Aftercare

  1. Leave your bandage on for a minimum of 1 hour and no longer than 4-5 hrs. (It’s better to leave your bandage on longer than wash your tattoo in a dirty environment). 

  2. After removal of bandage wash thoroughly with hot water and preferably a mild, unscented, liquid antibacterial soap. 

  3. Pat dry with a clean paper towel and let air dry for one hour or more before applying aftercare with clean hands.

  4. Apply a thin layer of product and massage it into the skin to the point where it just barely looks moist.  DO NOT APPLY A HEAVY LAYER OF OINTMENT. On day 2 switch from ointment to a moisturizing fragrance-free lotion.  

  5. Keep your tattoo clean with soap and water. The most important part of healing your new tattoo is keeping it clean!

  6. Repeat this process for 2-3 weeks depending on how the tattoo looks. It will peel like a sunburn after a few days (it is totally normal to see colored flakes of skin shedding). If it does scab in a few areas this is nothing to worry about, just let them fall off on their own. DO NOT PICK AND SCRATCH AT YOUR TATTOO and do NOT oversaturate with water or product. 

  7. NO SUN, NO SOAKING IN WATER OF ANY KIND, AND RESTRICTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.  During the healing process, no sun, no swimming pools, no Jacuzzi, no ocean, no lakes, no baths, no soaking in water of any kind. No recreational water activities, sports, gardening, or contact with animals. Ask your tattoo artist before resuming your regular workout routine. 

  8. Use lotion and sunblock to preserve your tattoo after it has healed.

Tattoo care is simple once the process is understood, but there are still times when a doctor may be needed. Infection is the most common reason to see a doctor after a tattoo. If a person does not care for it properly, a tattoo can become infected with bacteria. An infected tattoo will be warm, inflamed, and painful to the touch. The skin may also ooze purulent drainage, or a rash, or red streaks going from the procedure site toward the heart may appear.